I'm Blaine, your Online Dating Coach!

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

Blaine in a black dress with a red print standing on a staircase, smiling

I help guys like you get girlfriend-quality matches on apps like Hinge, and land more dates 🤠


What guys are saying about Blaine

Photo of online dating coach Blaine Anderson, in a black dress with a red print, seated on a tan leather couch, holding her hair, smiling

It's not just you — online dating is painful

It's especially brutal for guys, but believe it or not, us girls hate online dating too!

Endless swiping and missed connections aren't fun for anyone 🤬

Let’s be honest for a second, though...

You probably suck at marketing yourself.

I don’t mean to be harsh.

Through coaching 3,000+ men, I've learned that there’s just a good chance it’s true 🙃

It’s actually good news...

YOU aren't the problem!

Tons of undeserving guys score great matches on Hinge and Bumble simply because they know how to make good profiles 😬

How you MARKET yourself is.

Being a good guy isn’t enough. You need the right photos, prompts, written bios, and messages 💡


What more clients are saying


It was purely based on your advice that my dating life has improved. My favorite part was the Thirsting and Thriving examples. It showed me exactly what and where I was going wrong.


Photo of online dating coach Blaine Anderson, in a black dress with a red print, standing against a dresser, smiling

Let's make online dating work for you

Especially if you feel exhausted from dating, or like apps are rigged against you...

I need to tell you something important!

You can master online dating fast, just like tennis or driving, once you:

  1. Understand the organizing principles
  2. Put your knowledge to work

It's not your fault you weren't born knowing how to market yourself.

But it is your fault if you don't take action to learn now!


What more clients are saying


Shortly after I finished your course, I started dating my wonderful girlfriend Barrie, and we've now been together about a year. I'm thrilled to be one of your (many) success stories.


Photo of online dating coach Blaine Anderson, in a black dress with a red print, leaning against a staircase

How it works

I take a systems-approach to dating, and my coaching and courses draw on a wide variety of sources:

📚 Some academic (e.g. Adlerian psychology, evolutionary biology, descriptive and inferential statistics)

❤️ Some personal (e.g. my experiences dating across 6 continents and coaching 3,000+ men)

My programs are designed to help you:

😃 Consistently attract awesome women both in-person, and on apps like Hinge and Bumble.

❤️‍🔥 Flirt and create chemistry so you land numbers and dates (and second dates, and third dates..!)

🌶️ Feel sexually attractive so you never get in your own way with women again.

Just tap the button below and tell me a little about yourself, and I'll share a personalized rec for how you can get the results you deserve, fast.


What more clients are saying


I continue to appreciate your help to make it possible for me to meet people like her!


Photo of online dating coach Blaine Anderson, in a black dress with a red print, seated on a chair, with her hand on her hair, smiling

I'm Blaine, btw!

I've helped 3,000+ men learn to attract women they're excited about, both online and IRL.

Many of my clients either:

1. Work in finance, engineering, or another analytical field and want their dating lives to catch up with their personal and professional lives 👔

2. Recently exited long-term relationships and weren't expecting to be single again, and recognize they could use help bouncing back 🏀

They're short, tall, white collar, blue collar, white, black, Asian, Indian, shy, outgoing, handsome, "unphotogenic," fit, heavy, you name it!

Whether you’re:

🐣 Relatively inexperienced with women and dating, or...

😤 Dating regularly but not attracting the "9s and 10s" you know you deserve...

As long as you're willing to learn and you're hungry to make a change, there's a 100% chance I can help!


What more clients are saying


I had given up on dating. Then I met Blaine… You BET this works!



Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an online dating coach?

As an online dating coach, I help guys like you (yes, you!) land more matches, send better messages, and date sexier women.

More granularly, by working with an online dating coach like me, you will learn to:

📸 Get the right photos for your profiles on apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Plenty of Fish.

✍️ Write engaging prompts and bios that motivate women to connect with you.

👋 Match with more (and more attractive) women generally, so you start getting the results you deserve.

📲 Send the right text messages so you create chemistry, land dates, and stop getting ghosted.

Online dating is one of my specialties, though I don't focus on online dating exclusively by any means. Most of my clients also hire me to:

🤠 Build confidence so you feel more secure, and less anxious, when you interact with women.

📅 Plan fun dates that lead to deeper connections and relationships.

💕 Create romantic chemistry so you land more first, second, third, fourth (and more!) dates.

🔍 Find the right partner based on your lifestyle, needs, and criteria.

💪 Build relationships on your terms and generally have more fun and options dating.

Basically, whether you specifically want help meeting women on Raya, or you want help with dating and women more broadly, I'm your gal!

2. What are your qualifications?

My #1 qualification is my clients' results:

I've helped 3,000+ men learn to attract women they're excited about, both online and IRL.

More than 95% of my clients report they'd recommend working with me to a friend.

In addition to the testimonials scattered throughout this page, you can check out more of my clients' stories on my Reviews page, and my new Wall of Love ❤️

Additionally, millions of men tune in for my free advice across my Instagram, my TikTok, and my YouTube, and I've been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Forbes, DatingAdvice.com, and more!

3. DOES online dating coaching even work?

Assuming you hire a good coach...

Hell yeah it works!

How fast you see results will depend on several factors:

First, it depends on what you want to accomplish.

Strictly need help with messaging? You will get immediate results with my Texting Operating System, which will teach you EXACTLY how to transition matches to dates.

Not getting any matches? You may need new photos, which can take a couple of weeks, but you will see results fast with my Online Dating Operating System, which teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to make a top 1% profile and get girlfriend-quality matches.

Many men who are considering investing in a dating coach need help with more than just texting and matches online, which is why I offer my 1x1 Jumpstart Program.

Second, it depends on your work ethic.

For online dating, most guys just need to nail a few formulaic things to get more (and better) dates on apps like Hinge.

Specifically, you need:

  • 6x good photos
  • 3x written "prompts" and ~150 character written bio
  • Simple messaging + texting strategy

You could probably knock everything out in one workday (i.e. 8 hours), but it requires you to do things you probably don't do often (e.g. take photos) and if you're lazy, you won't get it done right.

Dating in a broader sense is slightly less formulaic, though contrary to popular belief, it's a lot like any other skill.

The more effort you invest, the better the results you’ll get — coaching isn't magic, and you can’t cheat the grind.

But the same way you will get pretty damn good at tennis by playing for an hour a day with a pro for month, you will get pretty damn good at dating by devoting an hour a day to one of my programs for a month 🎾

Third, it depends your ability to follow directions.

Through working with 3,000+ clients, I’ve learned that (A) some men follow directions MUCH better than others, and (B) this difference corresponds perfectly with guys' results from my coaching programs.

A good test here is whether you got good grades in school when you focused on your work:

If yes, you can expect results fast!

If no — for example, even when you studied for 100 hours, you still failed the test — honestly you may not get results from coaching, and I don't want you to waste your money.


Hiring an online dating coach can start at around $100 USD, and I've heard of coaches charging over $10,000 USD 🤯

As of Fall 2023, my services range from $149 USD for my Texting Operating System and Online Dating Operating System courses, to $3,985 USD to work with a coach on my team 1x1 through my Jumpstart Program.

My most popular program, my Masterclass, is in between at $1,295 USD.

A few more thoughts here:

1. Well-known coaches aren't cheap.

Coaches with big followings tend to have a lot of demand for their services, and their rates reflect this.

2. Expensive ≠ effective.

Sadly I've worked with a number of clients who've told me, "I spent thousands with another coach, and I'm still stuck in the same place..."

3. You can find help on any budget.

If a coach doesn't have a product or service in your price-range, they're not the right coach for you!


Good coaches aren't cheap, so this is a fair question. You should think about three things:

First, how valuable are results to you?

An online dating coach can be a significant investment, but if it helps you meet your future wife (or simply waste less time swiping on apps like Hinge), it may be a killer bargain.

Second, what else would you do with the money?

If hiring an online dating coach means you'll struggle to meet basic expenses like rent, do NOT hire one. But if the financial impact on your quality of life would be marginal, why wait?

Third, what are the consequences of not hiring a coach?

Imagine yourself in 6 months, or 6 years: what does your life look like if you don't hire a coach, and you stay on the same track? What could your life look like if you do hire a coach?

One more thing to consider: good dating coaches offer money-back guarantees (myself included!) to let you try their services without taking big risks.

6. Is an online dating coach right for me?

This is a little like asking a chiropractor if you need an adjustment 😉

Thankfully I'm in a place with my career where I'm busy enough that I often turn down potential clients, so I'll try to answer objectively...

Honestly? It depends!

Many people can benefit from working with an online dating coach, but some people can’t...

The three most important things to consider are:

1. Do you have growth mindset?

If you think you have things to learn, you'll probably learn a lot (and see great results!) by working with an online dating coach.

Some people sadly think they “can't be helped,” however, and this mindset tends to be self-fulfilling.

2. Do you feel motivated?

The more eager you feel to make progress, the harder you'll work, and the higher the likelihood you'll get results.

Likewise, if you're "just curious," or unsure of what you want to achieve, the lower the likelihood you'll get results, no matter how skilled your coach is.

3. Are you able to invest?

If you're able to budget time, energy, and money for self-improvement, an online dating coach can be a great investment.

If you’re working 90-hour weeks, or you'd seriously miss the money, you should hold off.


I could type an essay about why I'm the best, but honestly...

It's impossible to identify a single "best" coach.

First off, comparisons are often apples-to-oranges.

Different coaches focus on different things, for example:

  • Some coaches are pickup artists, who try to teach "game" for picking up girls at bars...
  • Some coaches exclusively focus on online dating (i.e. refining your profiles and messaging)...
  • Other coaches, like me, take a more holistic approach...

Second off, coaches' results are often opaque.

Part of the challenge is that many people who hire a dating coach want to remain 100% anonymous.

To illustrate, I had to work with 3,000+ happy clients to get 100+ reviews!

One thing is true, though...

Many "best coach" lists are b.s. 💩

The publications that create these lists typically don't evaluate coaches' skills, or clients' results...

They're pay to play!

Anyone who ponies up the $500 or $1,000 the author demands is included.

These lists are a disgrace to real online dating coaches.

Steer clear of online dating coaches who point to phony credential like these.


There are many awesome online dating coaches out there, as well as many charlatans you want to steer clear of 😜

To find the right coach, consider:

1. Does the coach's advice resonate with you?

Most coaches share free tips on social media (e.g. I'm active on my Instagram almost everyday).

Do you trust what the coach has to say? When you implement their advice, does it work?

2. How strong are their testimonials?

A trustworthy coach should have dozens of client reviews like mine for you to peruse.

If you're chatting with a coach who only has a handful of dubious-looking testimonials, run.

3. Would you enjoy spending time with them?

Your coach may be riding shotgun with you on your dating adventures for weeks or months.

Make sure you feel confident they're the type of person you want to welcome into your life!

If you find a coach for whom the answer to all three questions is "yes," they're probably a good fit.

9. how much time should i be able to invest?

This depends on what you're trying to accomplish, but I offer a variety of programs that have helped super busy guys (e.g. CEOs and pro athletes!) get results fast.

I'd recommend thinking about it like this:

Have enough time to date today?

If you're actively going on dates right now (or you WOULD be actively dating if you were getting more matches!) you 100% have enough time to work with an online dating coach.

Too busy to date today?

If you often find yourself canceling dates because of personal or professional commitments, or you otherwise feel too busy to invest in your personal life, wait to hire an online dating coach until you're less swamped.

10. What if i have another question?

Email me at blaine@datingbyblaine.com!


What more clients are saying


I am getting a constant stream of high quality connections on Hinge and have already been on 5 dates in the last 2.5 weeks. I am following your system closely and it's working well. Plus, I met someone IRL at a pub. Thanks again. A+ course.


Let's connect

Land the girlfriend you deserve!

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

Photo of online dating coach Blaine Anderson, in a black dress with a red print, seated in front of a tan leather couch, with her hand raised, smiling

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