The Dating By Blaine Story

Where it all started

Photo of Blaine and her sorority sisters at U of A

Dating By Blaine technically started when I was an undergrad at the University of Arizona.

Recognize me in the photo above? ☝

My guy friends would ask me for dating advice about my sorority sisters.

(Unsurprising — they're hot!)

The BEST guys had the WORST luck with girls, and it confused me 🤔

I became obsessed with figuring out why.

Do women hate nice guys? Or is there another problem?

What I've learned

Photo of Blaine in a black dress with a red print, smiling

Through working with 3,000+ guys since college, I've discovered:

🗣️ First, dating for men is a MARKETING problem.

If you don't know how to communicate crisply, create chemistry, and put your authentic best foot forward FAST, women won't give you the chance you deserve.

😬 Second, great guys often SUCK at marketing themselves.

Marketing yourself isn't something you learn in school, which may explain why so many smart, thoughtful, hard-working men are so bad at it!

🤓 Third, you can LEARN to attract awesome women fast.

Dating is a SKILL. If you believe in yourself, and have the humility to believe there are things you can learn, you will see big changes with a little effort and the right plan.

Who we help

Blaine standing on a staircase, wearing a green shirt over a black tank-top, smiling.

Many of our clients fall into one of two buckets:

  1. 🧑‍🔬 The engineer, who may or may not be an actual engineer. This is you if you have a solid career and fulfilling personal life, and you're ready for your dating life to catch up.
  2. 👨‍👧‍👦 The divorcé. This is you if you weren't expecting to be single again, and could use a refresher on dating generally (and dating in the digital age specifically) now that you're back on the market.

... though our clients come from every background you can think of!

They're short, tall, white, black, Asian, Indian, American, European, rich, blue collar, outgoing, shy, handsome, "ugly", athletic, disabled, thin, overweight, fit, you name it 😃🌐

Basically, whether you’re:

  • Relatively inexperienced with women and dating 🐣
  • Dating regularly already but not attracting the “9s” and “10s” you know you deserve 😤

As long as you're motivated to make a change, and you believe you have an opportunity to learn, I can help.

In fact, there's a whole team at your disposal!

Let's do this together!

Blaine smiling on a couch, with her laptop

Check out my Coaching Programs to learn how we can get your dating life unstuck.

Alternatively, tap the "Get started" button below!

You'll complete a quick application, and I'll send you personalized recommendations via email within 24 hours.