How To Transform Your Dating Life in 30 Days

Stop repeating the same mistakes, and discover a coherent and intelligent approach to AUTHENTICALLY attract quality women with my Masterclass.

Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, seated, smiling, touching her hair.
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)


What guys are saying about Blaine

Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, smiling

You aren't alone, women are confusing!

Like many valuable life skills, dating psychology isn't something you learn in school.

Maybe you've been too busy kicking ass at school and work to really focus on dating, anyway.

Let’s be honest for a second, though...

You probably suck at MARKETING yourself.

I don’t mean to be harsh!

Through coaching 3,000+ men, I've learned that there’s just a good chance it’s true 🙃

It’s actually good news...

YOU aren't the problem!

You actually knew this already, because you see less-successful, less-intelligent, and less-caring guys dating attractive women, and wonder "Why not me?"

How you MARKET yourself is.

Being a nice guy is great, but it's not enough.

You need real CONFIDENCE. You need to create CHEMISTRY. You need to put your BEST foot forward.


What more clients are saying


It was purely based on your advice that my dating life has improved. My favorite part was the Thirsting and Thriving examples. It showed me exactly what and where I was going wrong.


Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, seated, smiling.

Women WANT guys who can market themselves

Once you're positioning yourself in an authentic and genuine way...

And you're communicating so you're creating romantic chemistry, not friendly camaraderie...

⛔ You'll STOP hearing, "It was great to meet you, but I didn't feel a connection..."

✅ And you'll start hearing, "Last night was so fun :) You free this weekend?"

No, this isn't some sleazy pickup artist b.s. 💩

You don't need to be an a**hole to attract women...

You don't need to act like anyone else, either...

You just need to understand the organizing principles that underly ALL of your interactions with women, and follow a few simple steps!

Then you will quickly start attracting women you're excited about, even if you don't always feel attractive today 🙃


What more clients are saying


I had given up on dating. Then I met Blaine… You BET this works!


Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, standing, smiling, head tilted.

Let's get YOU unstuck!

I’m Blaine, and I’m the #1 dating coach for men.

I’ve spent YEARS helping 3,000+ guys like YOU learn to attract women they’re excited about.

My Masterclass is a thoughtfully organized, end-to-end program that covers literally EVERY strategy, shortcut, and secret I've learned along the way.

It delivers a healthy, systems approach to dating that will help you quickly:

🤗 Get out of the friendzone with 9s and 10s...

🤠 Get onto amazing first, second, third (etc) dates!

✘ No more stress wondering where you stand.

✘ No more picturing a future with every attractive woman who gives you attention.

✘ No more running around in circles repeating mistakes.

Whether you're the nice guy who gets passed over, or you feel invisible to quality women today...

My Masterclass will work for you!

You will learn to:

✔ Authentically market yourself and attract girlfriend-quality women both IRL, and on apps like Hinge.

✔ Flirt and create chemistry when you communicate, so you consistently land numbers and dates.

✔ Stop emotionally overinvesting and start confidently building romantic relationships on your terms.


What more clients are saying


Shortly after I finished your course, I started dating my wonderful girlfriend Barrie, and we've now been together about a year. I'm thrilled to be one of your (many) success stories.



What's inside my Masterclass

My Masterclass is my most popular program, and it includes both personalized and recorded components.

My Masterclass has 6 pillars:

  1. 📼 Comprehensive 8-Hour Video Curriculum
  2. 📅 Live Group Coaching Sessions
  3. 📲 1x1 Online Dating Profile Makeover
  4. 📝 Workbooks With Step-By-Step Instructions
  5. 🏦 Vault of Thousands of Proven Examples
  6. 🤝 Student & Coach Discord Community

Details are below!

Screenshot of Blaine presenting the title slide of the first module of Blaine's Masterclass, which says the word "Empathize" in white letters against a navy blue background

Masterclass Module 1:

Understand the exact psychology that underpins every interaction you have with women, and how to leverage it in your dating life.

Discover the 3 things ALL women seek in partners, plus the simple changes you can make to show you've got what they're looking for.

✔ Learn the #1 most important thing for dating in the digital age, and start improving your prospects and results immediately!

Masterclass Module 2:

✔ Identify and highlight your 3 sexiest traits — these form your foundation for how YOU attract women you're excited about!

✔ Learn to SPOT and STOP needy behaviors before they push women away using my APOG strategy — this is where 99% of guys screw up.

✔ Understand grooming, style, and fitness and precisely how much they do (and don't!) matter in your personal dating life.

Screenshot of Blaine presenting the title slide of the second module of Blaine's Masterclass, which says the word "Embrace" in white letters against a navy blue background
Screenshot of Blaine presenting the title slide of the third module of Blaine's Masterclass, which says the word "Embody" in white letters against a navy blue background

Masterclass Module 3:

✔ Discover WHERE and HOW to meet women in-person based on your personality, and the 2 key variables that dictate the RIGHT approach.

✔ Learn the EXACT photos you need to turn your online dating profiles into matchmaking machines, and how to nail them with minimum effort.

✔ Write the perfect PROMPTS and bio based on my simple 4-step framework that has driven 10x results for thousands of my clients, or just copy proven examples from my vault!

Masterclass Module 4:

✔ Master nonverbal communication so you can read women's signals, and send the right body language "messages" back at them!

✔ Learn to flirt confidently using my 'ARTS' framework that creates playful romantic chemistry, not platonic friend-zone energy, with women.

✔ Consistently get numbers and dates with my proven communication formula, whether you're chatting online or in-person.

Screenshot of Blaine presenting the title slide of the fourth module of Blaine's Masterclass, which says the word "Engage" in white letters against a navy blue background
Screenshot of Blaine presenting the title slide of the fifth module of Blaine's Masterclass, which says the word "Execute" in white letters against a navy blue background

Masterclass Module 5:

✔ Orchestrate consistently great dates and eliminate the painful guesswork from planning and communication with women.

✔ Lead FLIRTY and INSPIRING conversations on dates, even if you think you're "boring," using my 7 conversation strategies + dozens of examples.

✔ Confidently initiate touch the RIGHT way, and make her feel WANTED, so she feels a romantic connection, not just an intellectual connection.

1x1 Profile Makeover

✔ Stand out, and get the matches you deserve! I'll personally review and rework your online dating profiles to get them into the top 1%.

✔ First, follow my instructions to make a draft profile. Don't worry, this is easy, and you'll learn EVERYTHING you need to know in Module 3.

✔ Then, implement my personalized feedback on YOUR profile! You'll quickly and dramatically improve your matches with ZERO guesswork.

Graphic with photo of Blaine in a navy dress seated at a wood desk, smiling at the camera, and text "1x1 Profile Makeover" at right
Graphic with Blaine at left, in a leopard print skirt and black top, raising her arms and smiling, with text "Masterclass Bonuses" at right

More Masterclass Bonuses

✔ Live Q&A coaching sessions where you can get my feedback on challenges in your dating life. Don't worry, these can be 100% private and anonymous! Details in my FAQ below.

✔ Lifetime access to ALL of my courses including my Texting OS, Online Dating OS, and Approach Academy, as well as any future programs I create!

✔ Lifetime access to my DBB Discord Community to connect with and learn from me, the other DBB coaches, and fellow students. Don't worry, this can be 100% private and anonymous too!

Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, standing, smiling.

Stop dating below your potential!

The live portion of my next Masterclass starts Tuesday, January 7, 2025 🗓

Enrollment is officially open, and spots ALWAYS sell out in advance, so don't miss out!

Don't worry — you get instant access to all other aspects of my Masterclass once you sign up 🥳

The recorded curriculum, Discord community, lesson workbooks, 1x1 profile makeover, and vault are yours as soon as you enroll!

💭 Want to stop doubting yourself when you see or chat with attractive women?

💭 Ready to stop passively accepting the status quo, hoping and waiting for change?

It all boils down to understanding WOMEN, and positioning YOURSELF.

I seriously can't wait to teach you!

Tap below to join my Masterclass.


What more clients are saying


I continue to appreciate your help to make it possible for me to meet people like her!



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is your Masterclass for?

My Masterclass is for guys who want to stop feeling confused, frustrated, or intimidated by dating, and start confidently attracting women they like!

It can be helpful to you whether you're:

🐣 Relatively inexperienced with women and dating

😤 Dating regularly but not attracting the “9s” and “10s” you know you deserve

Many of the guys who take my Masterclass fall into two buckets:

1. The engineer, who may or may not be an ACTUAL engineer!

This is you if you're intelligent and analytical, you have a solid career and fulfilling personal life, and you're ready for dating to catch up with the rest of your life + feel fun and easy!

2. The divorcé.

This is you if you weren't expecting to be single again, and could use a refresher on dating generally (and dating in the digital age specifically) now that you're back on the market.

My Masterclass has helped guys from almost EVERY background you can think of, though.

My clients are short, tall, white, black, Asian, Indian, American, European, rich, blue collar, outgoing, shy, handsome, "ugly", athletic, disabled, thin, overweight, fit, you name it 😃🌐

Note, my Masterclass is designed for men who are on a steady path professionally.

Being blunt, dating isn't cheap, and neither is my Masterclass. If enrolling would feel like a strain on your budget, don't do it.

You'll get better results dating by focusing on and developing your career, whether or not you ever decide to invest in working with me!

Women care less about money than many guys think, but it's 100% true that success is attractive. Attractive women avoid guys who are in unstable financial situations.

2. Who is your Masterclass NOT for?

Great question! There are 5 types of guys I cannot help:

1. Guys who believe they are BEYOND help.

If you’ve fully convinced yourself that women and dating are a lost cause...

I probably can't change your mind.

Dating is heavily psychological. Believing in yourself is essential for success. It sounds corny, but it's true!

That's not to imply you must be overflowing with self-confidence coming into my Masterclass.

My job is to help you develop confidence!

If you're starting from a place of COMPLETE self-doubt, though...

Therapy will be a better investment than my Masterclass.

2. Guys seeking a MAGIC PILL.

If you expect to watch a few hours of videos online, then *suddenly* have your choice of gorgeous models to date...

My Masterclass is not for you!

My Masterclass delivers a proven recipe for success that has been tested by thousands of guys.

Sticking with the recipe analogy, though, you have to bake the cookies!

My Masterclass will meaningfully change your trajectory with women fast (e.g. take you from a "6" to an "8") as long as you put in the work.

It's not a magic pill, though.

3. ARROGANT guys who DROWN in the theory.

Many of my students are highly analytical.

Highly analytical guys get great results with my Masterclass, because it presents a coherent, organized, and systematic approach to women and dating!

Over-thinkers also get good results.

This is because my Masterclass will simplify your dating decisions, and bust you out of your analysis paralysis.

However, occasionally guys will sign up for my Masterclass who are SO preoccupied with theory and edge cases (and SO convinced that they know better than me...) that they never implement the simple, practical, and generally universal advice I share 🙄

If this sounds like you (i.e. you would rather debate whether my suggestions are right, than try them out...) you will probably get worse results than the guys who simply take the plunge!

4. Guys with IRRATIONAL expectations.

My Masterclass students can expect to obtain amazing results with women.

However, if you expect to attract fitness models and you're 50 lbs overweight...

Or, if you're pushing 50 years old, yet you refuse to entertain dating 35-year-old women because you they're "too old"...

I probably can't help you!

A boxing analogy may be useful here.

I can help you dominate your dating weight class, and even compete a class or two above, but NATURE is beyond my control.

5. Guys with hardcore VICTIM mentality.

If you view life as something that happens TO you, and you seldom feel agency over the direction you're moving in...

I'm sorry, but I can't help you either.

If you're any of these 5 guys, I truly wish you the best, but please don't sign up for my Masterclass.

Everyone else is welcome 🤗

3. How exactly does it work?

Great question.

🎙️ I usually host the live Q&A part of my Masterclass 4x/year.

My next Masterclass cohort is scheduled to begin Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

Don't worry, you don't have to feel stuck until then!

You get access to the rest of the program (e.g. recorded curriculum, Discord community, resource vault, 1x1 profile makeover, etc) as soon as you sign up!

🎟️ Enrollment happens on a rolling basis.

Spots are limited because my Masterclass includes many personalized components (e.g. 1x1 Profile Makeover, live Q&A, and Discord community) and I sadly don't have the bandwidth to help everyone...

Masterclass spots typically sell out in advance of the live session start date, so don't miss out!

⚡ Once you enroll, you get instant access to every aspect of my Masterclass outside of the live Q&A.

Once you've claimed your spot, I would recommend immediately diving into the recorded curriculum.

You'll also have access to dozens of bonus videos (including past Q&A sessions), handouts, and instruction guides, and my new Texting OS, Online Dating OS, and Approach Academy courses!

📼 The recorded curriculum is 100% go-at-your-own-pace.

In the past, I exclusively offered my Masterclass as a live, five-week program over Zoom.

Based on feedback from students who preferred more flexibility, the core curriculum is now recorded.

This means you can start (or stop) anytime, and watch as many (or as few) of the recorded lessons in one sitting as you choose!

I personally recommend watching one module per week.

This will help you process the information, and implement the learnings IRL.

Your pace is 100% up to you, though!

🎙️ The live Q&A sessions exist so you get ANSWERS to your toughest dating QUESTIONS.

Here's how they work:

  • The live sessions are lecture-style Q&A format, over Zoom. Your camera and mic are off, so you're totally anonymous, but you can use the chat function to ask ME questions. These typically last 60-90 minutes, and I often bring along fun expert guests :)
  • The Masterclass includes 5x live coaching sessions, and session each maps to a course module. I'll prioritize questions related to Module 1 during our first live session, questions related to Module 2 during our second live session, etc, so please watch the corresponding recorded module in advance of each live session!
  • The first live session for my next Masterclass will be on Tuesday, January 7 at 5:30pm PST / 8:30pm EST. The next four sessions will take place on the subsequent Tuesdays, at the same time, in the same Zoom room.
  • Can't attend live? No problem! Every session is recorded. I solicit questions in advance of each session, and I upload the session recording to our student site shortly after each session, so there's literally zero downside if you can't attend live.
  • To emphasize this, only ~50% of my Masterclass clients choose to attend live. You can always get your questions answered in our student + coach Discord Community, and IMO the bulk of the program value is in the recorded curriculum. All of this is to say, I would think of the live sessions as the cherry on top of the sundae, not the sundae itself, if that makes sense!

👩‍👦‍👦 Community access begins as soon as you enroll.

Our Masterclass community is hosted on Discord, and it exists so you can get questions answered + connect with me, the other DBB coaches, and your fellow students OUTSIDE of the live Q&A sessions.

Like the live Q&A sessions, Masterclass community participation is as private and anonymous as you choose to make it.

If you'd prefer 100% anonymity, you can join the community using a pseudonym, and never share any personally identifiable information!

🤝 You decide when we do your 1x1 Profile Makeover.

I share easy-to-follow instructions for your 1x1 makeover in Module 3 of the Masterclass, but in short...

  • You'll share a draft profile with photos and written bios/prompts with me...
  • I'll review your draft, and share detailed feedback to turn your profile into a magnetic matchmaking machine!

I prefer if you submit your profile to me for feedback within 3 months of signing up, but no sweat if you need more time.

4. Does your Masterclass include 1x1 coaching?

My Masterclass includes many personalized components (e.g. the 1x1 Profile Makeover with me, the live Q&A sessions, and the Discord community).

My Masterclass does not include traditional 1x1 coaching, however.

This is for a good reason!

Through years of working with literally thousands of men, I've learned something important:

📍 Every guy starts at a different "point A" with dating.

That is to say, your personal dating background and experiences are unique.

📍 99% of guys want to reach the same "point B" though.

You probably want confidence, options, and (when the time is right) an awesome girlfriend or wife.

🚘 Getting to point B requires the same KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and HABITS regardless of your specific point A.

These knowledge, skills, and habits are precisely what I cover in my Masterclass.

Looking at this another way...

My students come from all different backgrounds.

My students are universally suspicious AF about taking an online course on dating.

The vast majority (>90%) of my students go on to report tangible improvements in their dating lives within 30 days!

Even more (>95%) say they'd recommend my Masterclass to a friend — and many do 🤠

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with wanting 1x1 coaching.

Having a private coach is an ultra-convenient way to learn!

I just don't include 1x1 coaching (beyond the 1x1 profile makeover) with my Masterclass because most guys don't need it to attract awesome girlfriends, and this keeps the price down.

Specifically looking for 1x1 coaching?

Check out my 1x1 Jumpstart Program. Packages start at $3,985 USD.

5. Why did you make THE Masterclass?

I created my Dating Masterclass for a few reasons!

1. Dating is a learnable skill.

I know dating FEELS ultra personal and unique (e.g. many guys imagine things like, "I must be the only guy who's going through this...")

But the uncomfortable or disappointing situations you find yourself in with women are super common!

Furthermore, it turns out that dating is just another learnable skill, like arithmetic or swimming.

Just because you weren't taught how to date in school doesn't make it special or different...

School probably failed to teach you other crucial life skills like self-care, budgeting, and time management!

Most men didn't win the lottery and have a suave dad (or older brother, or another mentor) who showed them the ropes with girls ❤️

I've devoted my career to helping guys LEARN to date at the highest possible level precisely BECAUSE dating is such an essential and learnable skill!

2. Every guy needs to master the same skills to attract women.

If you read my response to the question above this will be familiar, but through years of coaching guys 1x1, I've learned:

📍 Every guy starts at a different "point A" with dating. That is to say, your personal dating background and experiences are unique.

📍 Most guys want to reach the same "point B" though. You probably want confidence, options, and (eventually) an awesome partner.

🚘 Getting to point B requires the same knowledge, skills, and habits wherever your point A is. This is precisely what I cover in my Masterclass!

3. Most guys just need the right recipe, plus a pinch of encouragement.

Think back to high school for a second.

Maybe you would have LIKED a private tutor for a couple of classes, but you probably didn't NEED one most of the time.

Dating is the same.

If you're intelligent and motivated, as soon as you watch my Masterclass and complete the exercises, things will begin to click in your dating life.

Plus, I continue to spend hundreds of hours each year refining my Masterclass curriculum to help you learn as MUCH as possible, as FAST as possible, with as LITTLE effort (or outside help) as possible 💪

6. Why should I listen to you?

My most important credentials are my clients' results.

→ I've helped 3,000+ men learn to attract women they're excited about.

→ More than 95% report they'd recommend working with me to a friend.

→ My clients regularly tell me things like "this is the best investment I've ever made."

In addition to the testimonials scattered throughout this page, you can check out 100+ client stories on my Reviews page 📔

In case it's also helpful to hear:

→ Literally MILLIONS of guys tune in for my free advice across my Instagram, my TikTok, and my YouTube every month.

My tips have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Forbes, CNN, CNBC, Today, and other publications you may have heard of.

Mark Cuban offered to invest in my business after I appeared on season 15 episode 3 of ABC's Shark Tank, and while I chose not to close the deal, this felt like a nice vote of confidence in my work 🦈

7. How much does your Masterclass cost?

I'm currently offering a limited-time discount to enable more guys on different budgets to participate in my Masterclass!

The total cost is your choice of:

→ One lump payment of $995 USD

→ Two monthly payments of $569 USD

→ Three monthly payments of $385 USD

→ Six monthly payments of $195 USD

If you're interested in signing up with one of the payment plans, email me and I'll share details!

I’m aware my Masterclass isn’t in every guy’s budget.

My Masterclass is like a Tesla Model 3 or Y.

It’s not the fanciest or most expensive option out there, but it's a carefully designed, high-quality experience priced commensurate to value, that’s specifically for guys who’ve achieved enough professionally that they can comfortably invest in a best-in-class tool to improve their lives.

If my Masterclass isn’t in your budget, no sweat!

Check out my Texting OS, Online Dating OS, and free dating guides, or even feel free to explore opportunities with other coaches.

My Masterclass definitely isn't the most expensive option out there (I've seen other coaches charge $1,500 just for a profile makeover 😳) but it's probably not the cheapest, either.

One more thing: your net Masterclass investment is HIGHER with the payment plans versus the lump payment.

This is because I pay more credit card processing fees with the monthly payment plans, and there's extra work + risk for me if your payments bounce.

Just making this crystal clear before you make a decision!

8. How is your Masterclass different from your other programs?

My Masterclass is special because it's the whole enchilada 🌯

(Yeah, that's a burrito emoji, not an enchilada emoji, but you get the picture 😜)

I offer several shorter, 100% self-serve courses on individual topics in dating. For example, my Texting Operating System covers EVERYTHING related to texting women.

My Masterclass includes ALL of my topic-specific courses, as well as a broader AND deeper curriculum that gives YOU a coherent framework for EVERY step of the dating process!

My Masterclass ALSO includes a number of opportunities for personalized attention, including a 1x1 profile makeover, live Q&A, and my private student & coach Discord community.

Basically, if you want your dating life to be all-around BETTER, and you're not 100% sure where to start...

📍 You're in the right place!

Just so it's clear, my Masterclass and 1x1 Jumpstart programs are based on the same curriculum.

You can expect great results with either program!

The difference between those two is just the level of depth and personalization:

👉 Want a streamlined, lower-cost experience?

Go with my Masterclass.

👉 Want a 100% personalized, ultra-premium experience?

Go with Jumpstart.

👉 On the fence between my Masterclass and Jumpstart?

This may be the "wrong" thing to say from a business perspective...

(Jumpstart is more profitable for my business 😇)

... but honestly, start with my Masterclass.

You may find everything you need here, and you can always upgrade to Jumpstart later. I will of course apply your full Masterclass investment to the price of any Jumpstart package! Just email me, and we’ll get it sorted out ❤️

9. How much time should I be able to commit?

Great question!

Expect to invest 5 hours per week over 5 weeks to maximize your Masterclass experience & results.

Years ago, I taught my Masterclass live over 5 weeks, and my most successful students (i.e. the guys who would see HUGE changes, and land hot girlfriends FAST) would invest about 5 hours per week in my program over those 5 weeks.

My Masterclass is now go-at-your-own-pace, so in theory you could consume the whole curriculum in 1 day 🤯

I wouldn't recommend this, though, because it takes time to process and implement your learnings.

Rushing through the recordings can create the illusion you know everything when you've barely scratched the surface!

Stepping back, it takes 30 days to form a lasting habit, and it's hard to master >1 skill at a time.

So, depending on where you're starting, you may want to stretch the program over a month, or even multiple months.

You generally don't need to worry about being "too busy" for my Masterclass.

You get lifetime access to the lesson recordings which means you can start, pause, and restart these anytime!

There is one asterisk here, though...

I ask that you use your 1x1 Profile Makeover included with my Masterclass within 3 months of signup.

This is because I always have more demand for my services than I can keep up with, plus life is uncertain, so I can't guarantee I'll have capacity to give your profile the attention it deserves 3+ months from now.

Anyway, a good rule of thumb is:

✔ Have enough time for DATING today?

For example, if you’re actively going out, or swiping on apps, or just spending hours a week thinking about dating...

You have enough time for my Masterclass, and you should enroll already if there are open spots!

✘ DON'T have enough time for dating today?

If you’ve recently had to cancel dates because of work or personal commitments, or you’ve let the ball drop in a relationship because you’ve been too busy...

Wait to sign up until things slow down!

10. How long will it take to see results?

How soon you will enjoy results (i.e. start attracting awesome women!) depends on a few things:

1. The SCOPE of your challenges.

→ Struggling with texting?

You will see results instantly after watching my Texting OS, which is included with my Masterclass.

→ Struggling with self-esteem?

It may take weeks of study and effort to observe real improvements.

Most guys considering my Masterclass have deeper challenges to overcome than just texting.

So while you can expect plenty of immediate "Aha!" moments with my Masterclass...

It may take WEEKS or even MONTHS, not HOURS or DAYS, to see real transformations in your dating life.

The good news is that >90% of my Masterclass students report seeing meaningful and tangible results with women within 30 days!

It just may take longer to see EVERY result you're looking for, depending on where you're starting from.

2. How hard you WORK.

My Masterclass isn’t magic, and dating isn’t particularly unique versus any other skill you could learn.

The more effort you invest, the better the results you’ll get.

As the saying goes, you can’t cheat the grind!

Still, the same way you'll get pretty damn good at tennis by following a pro's instructions for an hour a day for a month...

You will get pretty damn good at dating by devoting an hour a day to my Masterclass for a month!

3. How well you follow DIRECTIONS.

Having worked with 3,000+ guys, I’ve observed that (A) some guys are better than others at following instructions, and (B) guys' ability to follow instructions is directly proportional to their results from my programs.

If you're GOOD at following instructions (e.g. school wasn’t super hard when you applied yourself), expect BIG results from my Masterclass FAST.

If you're BAD at following instructions (e.g. no matter how hard you tried in school, you still struggled...) candidly you may NOT see results with my Masterclass, and I don't want you to make a bad investment.

🧠 On this note, I've had success helping neurodiverse clients (as well as clients with learning disabilities!) but if this sounds like you, please email me BEFORE you sign up, so someone on my team can give you personalized feedback on your situation.

11. What if I can't attend the live sessions?

No sweat if you can't attend the live sessions!

📼 Each live session is RECORDED, and you can watch ANYTIME.

You can even still ask questions (and get answers!) because I solicit questions in advance of each session via email, and upload the session recordings to our student site ASAP after we've wrapped up live.

You can watch (or re-watch) these recordings as you please, and you can even watch the recordings of past sessions!

😃 About 50% of my students NEVER attend live, and still get AWESOME results.

Some of these guys live in parts of the world where the live session timing is inconvenient. Others just prefer to watch everything on their own time. This doesn't impact their Masterclass results, though I hope to offer live sessions that better accommodate guys outside the USA in the future!

😙 The live Q&A is a relatively SMALL part of the program.

In my opinion, the bulk of the value in my Masterclass is in (1) the course recordings, which you get immediate access to; (2) the 1x1 profile makeover; and (3) the Discord community, where you can ask questions anytime. The live Q&A sessions are fun and useful, but they're like the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae, not the sundae itself 🍨

12. What’s your refund policy?

My Masterclass is a big investment, and I want you to feel secure making it.

Furthermore, I'm so confident in my Masterclass after helping 3,000+ students that I'm proud to offer the following refund policy and guarantee...

Seal-like graphic designed to represent Blaine's money-back guarantee

The first module of my Masterclass is on me!

Feel free to sign up, and watch the first module. If you decide within 48 hours that you don't want to continue with the course for ANY reason...

Simply email me for a full, 100% hassle-free refund.

I hope this gives you peace of mind when making your decision about my Masterclass ❤️

To prevent abuse, my only conditions are that you JUST watch the FIRST Masterclass module, and that you request your refund within 48 hours of signup.

I'm a small business owner, so I'm unable to offer refunds after 48 hours (or if you've watched >1 Masterclass module) for any reason.

Thanks for understanding!

13. What if i have another question?

Email me at!

Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, standing, smiling, touching her hair.

My No Questions Asked, Money-Back Guarantee

Women and dating are nerve-wracking enough.

I don't want you to experience any anxiety about trying my Masterclass.

Enjoy the first module on me!

Sign up, and if at any point in the next 48 hours you feel like you're not getting enough value from the program...

Or that you’re not learning EXACTLY what you need to know to start attracting the women you're excited about...

Simply email me. I'll give you a prompt and hassle-free 100% full refund ❤️

To prevent abuse, my only conditions are that you don't watch beyond the first Masterclass module, and that you request your refund within 48 hours of signup.

Sound reasonable?

Go ahead and sign up, and start discovering what makes YOU a catch with women, even if you’re dubious whether my Masterclass can help.

I'm excited for you to discover what we can accomplish together 😜


What more clients are saying


Blaine teaches you to be yourself, and position yourself, in a way that you can attract and sustain a relationship with women you thought were out of your league. Thank you for everything, Blaine!



Still unsure?
Let's chat!

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

Photo of Blaine in a white outfit in a loft-like building, smiling, and touching her hair

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