Here's Module 1 of my Texting OS!

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

This first lesson is on me. Get the full course below!
Limited time offer: 35% off for fall 🍂


What guys are saying about Blaine

Blaine holding her phone, smiling

Texting shouldn't feel like roulette

My new Texting Operating System, aka Texting OS, course will help you immediately:

Stop second guessing yourself when you communicate with women on apps like Hinge.

💘 Start sending fun, flirty messages that make girls want more, and land you dates.

Feel confident you're saying the right thing no matter what stage of your relationship.


What more clients are saying


It was purely based on your advice that my dating life has improved. My favorite part was the Thirsting and Thriving examples. It showed me exactly what and where I was going wrong.


Blaine wearing a navy blazer in a brick loft holding her phone, looking surprised

You deserve better chemistry with women

It's not your fault you weren't born a texting pro...

Women communicate differently from men, and texting can be counter-intuitive.

It is your fault if you don't do something to learn now, though 😉

Take advantage of 100+ proven messages I've A/B tested with 3,000+ clients.

Start sending the right message every time with my Texting OS!


What more clients are saying


Shortly after I finished your course, I started dating my wonderful girlfriend Barrie, and we've now been together about a year. I'm thrilled to be one of your (many) success stories.



How my Texting OS works

🎬 My Texting OS is a ~2 hour video course that covers every message you need to send to go from initial match or meeting to relationship.

Details are below!

Texting OS Module 1 Thumbnail

Module 1: 
Texting Strategy

✔ Why most guys fail at texting (and why you can succeed)

✔ How we'll use my "logistics" strategy to land you more dates

✔ Tips to maximize your results from the course

Module 2:
Turn Matches Into Dates

✔ Break the ice so she's eager to respond to you

✔ Consistently transition on-app conversations to phone numbers and dates

✔ Make her excited to meet you in-person!

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Texting OS Module 3 Thumbnail

Module 3:
Turn In-Person Meetings Into Dates

✔ Exactly what to text, and when, after you first meet

✔ How to tee up a date so she says "YES!"

✔ Key mistakes to avoid — most guys screw these up!

Module 4:
Landing The Second Date

✔ Precisely when, and what, to text after a first date

✔ The perfect message to land a second date

✔ How to avoid looking needy

Texting OS Module 4 Thumbnail
Texting OS Module 5 Thumbnail

Module 5:
Maintaining Momentum

✔ Dozens of texts that deepen your connection

✔ When, and how, to share photos without coming on too strong

✔ How to STOP texting, and get on a call or date

Module 6:
Spicing Things Up

✔ Messages to playfully tease her via text, and leave her wanting more

✔ What to say to escalate romantic tension and move things to the bedroom

✔ Learn to turn her on without texting something you might regret

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Texting OS Module 7 Thumbnail

Module 7:
When Things Go Awry

✔ What to say if a woman starts pulling back

✔ Proven messages to re-engage her if she ghosts

✔ The BEST replies if she tries to bail on plans

Module 8:
Relighting A Flame

✔ The RIGHT way open conversation with a woman you've not spoken with in years

✔ Texts to send if things fizzled with a fling

✔ What to say to reboot a relationship with an ex

Texting OS Module 8 Thumbnail


What more clients are saying


I continue to appreciate your help to make it possible for me to meet people like her!



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is YOUR TEXTING OS for?

My Texting Operating System (aka Texting OS) is for guys who want to become better texters!

Specifically, if you want to never worry about what to message a woman again, and land more dates (and second dates, and relationships, physical fun...)

My Texting OS is the perfect resource!

Often fail to convert matches to dates? Feel confused trying to lead SMS conversations with women?

You're in the right place, and my Texting OS is for you!

Consistently land dates after matching with women online? Consider yourself a "good" texter already?

You might learn things from my Texting OS, but honestly I didn't design it with you in mind.

2. How Does it work? what's included?

My Texting Operating System is an online course that consists of 8 recorded video lessons. It's about 2 hours in length total.

It covers the conversation frameworks, and exact language, you need to message to go from meeting a woman either online or in-person, to a relationship ❤️

My Texting OS includes 100+ messages you can copy word for word.

This will help you flawlessly initiate dates, physicality, and more. You also get access to the PDFs of the slides I present from in the recordings as part of the course.

You get lifetime access to the Texting OS course.

The lessons are pre-recorded, and 100% self-serve, meaning you can watch and re-watch them anytime after you sign up, from your computer or phone!

Immediately after as you sign up, you'll receive access to my student site where the recordings are are hosted.

The process of signing up and diving into the course is usually seamless, but if you have trouble logging in after purchase, just email me, and I'll help you get sorted out 😊

My Texting OS course is specifically focused on texting.

My Texting OS does not include 1x1 coaching, or Q&A.

This is by design.

I made my Texting OS to give you a potent resource that can meaningfully improve your dating life at a dramatically lower price than my coaching services that include personalized attention.

Want better matches on apps like Hinge and Bumble?

Check out my Online Dating OS!

It's an affordable self-serve that will teach you the exact steps to build a top 1% online dating profile.

Want holistic help with your dating life?

Check out my Dating Masterclass!

It covers everything from how to build confidence, to how to meet and flirt with women, and more.

Want holistic help, plus 1x1 coaching?

Check out my 1x1 Jumpstart program!

It's my only 1x1 coaching program, and includes my Dating Masterclass as well.

3. WHY DID YOU mAKE the texting os?

I made my Texting Operating System for a few reasons:

First, texting is an essential part of dating today.

Text is the primary (and often the only) medium through which you will communicate with women you meet today.

If you're a bad texter, you have virtually 0 shot at attracting an awesome partner in today's competitive dating market, no matter how attractive you are.

Second, meeting women is hard enough.

You shouldn't have to wonder, "Should I text her this?" or "How should I reply?" once you've finally met or matched with someone you like.

Third, I wanted to help YOU.

My Masterclass and Jumpstart programs involve personalized coaching, which means they're relatively expensive, especially for guys who are just starting out in their careers.

I made my Texting OS course specifically to give more guys access to an awesome, relatively low-cost resource that can drive immediate tangible improvement in their dating lives!


My Texting Operating System can be helpful whether you date online, or not.

Specifically, it covers every single message you need to send from the first time you interact with a woman (whether that's via a dating app, or in-person) to entering an exclusive relationship with her, and even messages for beyond!

If you date online, my Texting OS will help you land more dates with your matches.

It will help with plenty more than that, too (e.g. what to text after a date, how to spice things up via text, and more 🤠)

If you're looking for a resource to get more MATCHES on apps like Hinge and Bumble, though, check out my Online Dating OS instead.

5. Why DOES IT COST $149?

I developed my Texting Operating System to help more guys improve their relationships with women.

My Texting OS course is 100% self-serve!

This means it can cost less than my programs that include 1x1 coaching and personalized attention.

For context, until August 2022, I offered just one coaching service, my Masterclass.

That's an end-to-end program that includes personalized attention, and it's the perfect solution if you want to stop feeling awkward or unsure of yourself with women, and start attracting women you're excited about.

However, my Masterclass is also a four-figure investment, which means it's out of reach financially for many guys who need help...

The #1 reason my Texting OS course costs $149 is because it's worth it!

I've put literally 10,000 hours into developing and testing the material for this program. I'm confident you'll agree it kicks ass if you decide to give it a shot 🤠

6. Why should I listen to you?

My most important credentials are my clients' results.

I've helped 3,000+ men learn to attract women they're excited about.

More than 95% report they'd recommend working with me to a friend.

In addition to the testimonials scattered throughout this page, you can check out more of my clients' stories on my Reviews page, and my new Wall of Love ❤️

Additionally, millions of men tune in for my free advice across my Instagram, my TikTok, and my YouTube, and I've been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Forbes, and more!


My Texting Operating System course is 8 video "modules," aka lessons, long.

The video modules vary in length, but the total runtime is about 2 hours.

You can watch the video modules at your own pace, and you get lifetime access to the recordings!

8. How is THIS different from your other programs?

Excellent question!

I currently offer four programs, my (1) Texting OS, (2) Online Dating OS, (3) Dating Masterclass, and (4) Jumpstart.

1. My Texting OS is a ~2 hour self-serve course on texting.

You'll learn to send the right message, every time, so you feel confident texting women. If you specifically need help with messaging on dating apps and texting, it's the perfect option.

My Texting OS is $149 USD on its own, though it's also included with my $1,295 USD Masterclass.

2. My Online Dating OS is a ~3 hour self-serve course on online dating.

You'll learn to build a top 1% dating profile so you start getting better matches on apps like Hinge, fast. It's also $149 USD on its own, and is also included with my Masterclass!

3. My Dating Masterclass is an interactive program that covers every aspect of dating for men.

The backbone is an ~8 hour video curriculum that covers literally everything you need to know to stop feeling awkward or unsure of yourself around women, and start attracting women you're excited about.

My Masterclass also includes five weekly live Q&A sessions, lifetime access to my student & alumni Discord community, a 1x1 profile makeover, and more.

In case you missed it above, my Masterclass also includes my Texting OS and Online Dating OS courses, and the total cost is $1,295 USD.

4. My Jumpstart program includes everything with my Masterclass, plus private 1x1 coaching throughout.

Like my Masterclass, Jumpstart will help you feel sexually attractive, date women you’re excited about, and stop doubting yourself.

It just includes 1x1 coaching, both via email and Zoom, over the course of 12 weeks.

The program cost starts at $3,985 USD and depends on whether you're working with me, or another coach on my team.

If you try my Texting OS, and decide you want to upgrade to my Masterclass or Jumpstart programs later, that's great!

Just email me, and I'll set you up with a discount for your Texting OS investment 🤠

9. But Aren't there thousands of other guys sending these messages?

Thankfully that's not a problem for two reasons.

1. You can make your messages your own.

The scripts I share in my Texting OS are all easy-to-use templates that you can, and should, customize based on your voice and situation.

As we cover in the course, the messages will be most effective if you put them into your own words, and I make it simple to do that!

2. There are no gimmicks here.

Unlike the goofy text scripts other dating coaches and pickup artists share online, the messages included in my Texting OS are pragmatic, durable, and on-brand for every situation you encounter in your dating life.

Even if the same woman received them multiple times from multiple men, she wouldn't mind (or even notice!)

10. How long will it take to see results?

You will see results immediately once you begin implementing learnings from my Texting OS!

One callout though...

Being good at texting ≠ being good at dating.

For example, if you're awkward or insecure on first dates, no amount of texting help will get you second dates 😬

If your dating challenges extend far beyond texting, my Texting OS will still help, but I'd recommend checking out my Dating Masterclass.

11. What’s your refund policy?

I don't offer refunds for my Texting OS for two simple reasons.

1. It's proven to work!

The messages and strategies we cover have been tested, refined, and perfected through coaching 3,000+ guys, plus a decade of my own experiences and observations from receiving tens of thousands of texts from men.


If you ID a texting situation that's not covered in the course, email me, and I'll update the course to address it.

My Texting OS is designed to be a comprehensive texting resource, and I'm always seeking to improve it ❤️

2. Past abuse of my refund policy.

I have some absurd refund abuse stories that maybe I'll have the opportunity to share on a podcast someday, but in short, a few bad apples spoiled the bunch!

12. What if i have another question?

Email me at!


What more clients are saying


Blaine teaches you to be yourself, and position yourself, in a way that you can attract and sustain a relationship with women you thought were out of your league. Thank you for everything, Blaine!



Never send the wrong message again

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)