Here's Module 1 of my Online Dating OS!

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

This first lesson is on me. Get the full course below!
Limited time offer: 35% off for fall 🍂


What guys are saying about Blaine

Side shot of Blaine in a tan blazer, smiling

It's not just you, online dating sucks

It's especially brutal for guys, but believe it or not, us girls hate online dating too!

(Endless swiping and missed connections aren't fun for anyone 🤬)


Landing girlfriend-quality matches on apps like Hinge is easy once you're presenting yourself the right way.

Let's be honest for a second though...

You probably suck at marketing yourself.

I don’t mean to be harsh!

After coaching 3,000+ men, there’s just a good chance it’s true 🙃

It’s actually good news.

❌ YOU aren't the problem.

✅ How you MARKET yourself is.

Being a great guy isn’t enough. You need a great profile. They're different things.

That’s where I come in!


What more clients are saying


It was purely based on your advice that my dating life has improved. My favorite part was the Thirsting and Thriving examples. It showed me exactly what and where I was going wrong.


Blaine in a tan blazer, smiling

Let's shortcut you to more and better matches

My new, idiot-proof Online Dating Operating System contains every secret, trick, and hack I've learned throughout my career to help you:

  • 📸 Get the right photos that make girls swipe right, no matter how "unphotogenic" you are.
  • 📝 Write the perfect prompts and “about me” bio to authentically draw quality women in.
  • 💪 Nail the details and overcome the algorithms so you start landing girlfriend-quality matches.

I've spent 10,000+ hours A/B testing the information in the course with 3,000+ clients from every background you can imagine. It's literally proven to deliver results!

Why not get the matches you deserve, too?


What more clients are saying


Shortly after I finished your course, I started dating my wonderful girlfriend Barrie, and we've now been together about a year. I'm thrilled to be one of your (many) success stories.



How my Online Dating OS works

🎬 My Online Dating OS is a ~3 hour video course that covers step-by-step how I've helped thousands of guys like you score better matches on apps like Hinge.

Details are below!

Screenshot of Module 1

Module 1: 
Online Dating Strategy

✔ Why most guys fail at online dating (and why you can succeed)

✔ How we'll use digital marketing tactics to perfect your profiles

✔ Tips to maximize your results from the course

Module 2:
The Missing Manual

✔ How app algorithms dictate which women see your profiles

✔ The exact steps to reset your rankings, so you meet the right women

✔ Swiping best practices that you probably aren't aware of

Screenshot of Module 2
Screenshot of Module 3

Module 3:
Picture Perfect Photos

✔ The #1 factor that dictates your success apps like Hinge (hint: it's a specific photo!)

✔ My "5P" formula literally anyone can use to get photos girls swipe right on

✔ How to capture "5P" photos with minimum effort and expense

Module 4:
Writing The Right Bio + Prompts

✔ The 4 elements to include in your prompts that attract quality women

✔ 100+ examples you can copy, or tweak to make your own

✔ Common pitfalls to avoid that cost 95% of guys matches

Screenshot of Module 4
Screenshot of Module 5

Module 5:
Polishing Your Profile

✔ One quick trick to meaningfully increase your matches (many guys miss this!)

✔ How to avoid a disastrous personal info mistake >80% of guys make

✔ When (and when not) to use 3rd party integrations on apps

Module 6:
Real Profile Examples

✔ Detailed analysis of 6x real guys' profiles, 3x good and 3x bad

✔ Clear examples of what makes a great profile (copy these!)

✔ Clear examples of what makes a bad profile (avoid these!)

Screenshot of Module 6
Screenshot of Module 7

Module 7:
How To Date On Instagram

✔ The only strategy that works for meeting women on Instagram

✔ Exactly how to use our learnings to make an awesome Instagram profile

✔ Signs to spot in a girl's profile to determine if she's a match

Module 8:
The Wrap Up

✔ Answers to FAQs to optimize your profiles' performance

✔ Recap of our learnings to highlight the most critical points

✔ Steps to accelerate your learnings and land more dates

Screenshot of Module 8


What more clients are saying


I continue to appreciate your help to make it possible for me to meet people like her!



Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is THIS COURSE for?

My Online Dating Operating System (aka Online Dating OS) is for guys who want better matches on apps like Hinge 🤠📲

Not getting enough quality matches today?

My Online Dating OS is for you, and I'm excited for you to check it out!

Consistently matching with attractive women on apps like Hinge already?

You could probably learn things from my Online Dating OS, but honestly it's not designed for you.

You may want to check out my Texting OS course instead, which will help you land more dates with the matches you're getting already 😊

2. How Does it work? what's included?

My Online Dating OS is comprised of 8 video modules that cover literally every shortcut and secret I've learned helping 3,000+ guys get better matches online ❤️

These modules cover:

  1. Online dating strategy (as you hopefully watched in the first module above!)
  2. Tricks to beat the algorithms so your profiles get in front of the women you want to meet.
  3. What photos make girls swipe right and how to minimize effort getting them.
  4. How to write great prompts and the four key elements you need to include, plus tons of examples.
  5. Critical details most guys miss that make a huge difference in your profile's performance.
  6. Good vs bad profile examples from my clients so you know EXACTLY what to aim for.
  7. Instagram dating strategy if you want to explore meeting women on my personal favorite "dating app."
  8. Burning questions that may be weighing on your mind in an FAQ lesson to tie your learnings together.

My Online Dating OS course is pre-recorded and 100% self-serve.

This means you can watch (and re-watch!) the lessons anytime after you sign up from your computer or phone.

You get lifetime access.

Immediately after as you sign up, you get access to my student site where the recordings are are hosted.

The process of signing up and beginning the course is fairly seamless, but if you have problems, just email me at, and we'll get you sorted out.

It does not include coaching or Q&A.

This is by design. I wanted to give you an awesome product that can meaningfully improve your dating life at a dramatically lower price than my programs that include personalized attention.

Need help landing dates after you've landed more matches?

Check out my Texting OS. It will help you never send the wrong message again.

Want holistic help with your dating life, and a 1x1 profile makeover?

Check out my Dating Masterclass. It provides an end-to-end systems approach to each step of the dating process.

Want a fully 1x1 coaching experience?

Check out my 1x1 Jumpstart program. It includes everything with my Masterclass, plus 12 weeks of 1x1 coaching with yours truly or another coach on my team.


I made my Online Dating Operating System for a few reasons:

First, online dating is ubiquitous today.

It's 100% possible to land an awesome girlfriend without ever downloading an app like Bumble, but MOST women are dating online, and you should be too.

Second, most guys don't get the matches they deserve.

Seriously, it's probably not your fault you're striking out on apps like Hinge: marketing yourself online is hard work. I'd be thrilled to teach you EXACTLY what you need to do to make the type of profile girls swipe right on.

Third, I wanted to help YOU.

My other services that provide help with online dating all involve personalized coaching, which means they're relatively expensive, especially for guys who are just starting out in their careers.

I made my Online Dating OS course specifically to give more guys access to an awesome, relatively low-cost resource that can drive immediate tangible improvement in their dating lives fast!


Hell yes!

My Online Dating Operating System covers everything you need to know to build an awesome profile that women will want to swipe right on.

The shortcuts and tricks you'll learn have helped literally 3,000+ coaching clients from every background you can imagine score more and better matches on apps like Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Raya, and more.

It's designed to get YOU more and better matches, fast.

Struggling to land dates with women you've already matched with?

I'd recommend my Texting OS course instead of, or in addition to, my Online Dating OS.

5. BUT WHAT if i'm short / asian / ETC?

It breaks my heart that I need to include this question in my FAQ, but it's something I get asked often, so I wanted to address it ❤️

I won’t lie to you, some guys have a harder time with online dating than others. For example:

👉 Many women use height filters on apps, and each inch you are shorter than 5’10” can decrease your pool of potential matches…

👉 OKCupid has published data on how men of Asian descent get fewer matches than men from other ethnic backgrounds…

Two thoughts here:

1. Difficulty ≠ dead end.

I’ve helped enough guys from both backgrounds (and many more that the raw data would indicate are at a disadvantage) get awesome matches that I can guarantee no one trait, in itself, will stop you from meeting an awesome girlfriend online.

2. That's all the more reason to improve your profiles.

Particularly if you face headwinds, you could use an extra engine. Why not give yourself an advantage that other guys don’t have, and perfect the aspects of your profiles that are within your control?

6. Why DOES IT COST $149?

I developed my Online Dating Operating System to help more guys match with quality women.

This course is 100% self-serve.

This means I can offer it at a lower price than my programs that include 1x1 coaching and personalized attention!

For context, until August 2022, I offered just one coaching service, my Dating Masterclass.

That's an end-to-end program that includes a 1x1 dating profile makeover, and it's the perfect solution if you want to stop feeling awkward or unsure of yourself with women, and start attracting women you're excited about.

My Masterclass is also a four-figure investment, which means it's out of reach financially for many guys who need help...

Anyway, the #1 reason my Online Dating OS course costs $149 is because it's worth it!

I've put 10,000 hours into developing and testing the material for this program, and the content has literally been proven to work by thousands of guys from every background you can imagine.

I'm confident you'll agree it kicks butt if you decide to give it a shot 🤠

7. Why should I listen to you?

My most important credentials are my clients' results.

I've helped 3,000+ men learn to attract women they're excited about.

More than 95% report they'd recommend working with me to a friend.

In addition to the testimonials scattered throughout this page, you can check out more of my clients' stories on my Reviews page, and my new Wall of Love ❤️

Additionally, millions of men tune in for my free advice across my Instagram, my TikTok, and my YouTube, and I've been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Forbes, and more!


My Online Dating Operating System course is 8 video "modules," aka lessons, long.

The video modules vary in length, but the total runtime is about 3 hours.

You can watch the video modules at your own pace, and you get lifetime access to the recordings!

9. How is THIS different from your other programs?

Excellent question!

I currently offer four programs, my (1) Texting OS, (2) Online Dating OS, (3) Dating Masterclass, and (4) Jumpstart.

1. My Texting OS is a ~2 hour self-serve course on texting.

You'll learn to send the right message, every time, so you feel confident texting women. If you specifically need help with messaging on dating apps and texting, it's the perfect option.

My Texting OS is $149 USD on its own, though it's also included with my $1,295 USD Masterclass.

2. My Online Dating OS is a ~3 hour self-serve course on online dating.

You'll learn to build a top 1% dating profile so you start getting better matches on apps like Hinge, fast. It's also $149 USD on its own, and is also included with my Masterclass!

3. My Dating Masterclass is an interactive program that covers every aspect of dating for men.

The backbone is an ~8 hour video curriculum that covers literally everything you need to know to stop feeling awkward or unsure of yourself around women, and start attracting women you're excited about.

My Masterclass also includes five weekly live Q&A sessions, lifetime access to my student & alumni Discord community, a 1x1 profile makeover, and more.

In case you missed it above, my Masterclass also includes my Texting OS and Online Dating OS courses, and the total cost is $1,295 USD.

4. My Jumpstart program includes everything with my Masterclass, plus private 1x1 coaching throughout.

Like my Masterclass, Jumpstart will help you feel sexually attractive, date women you’re excited about, and stop doubting yourself.

It just includes 1x1 coaching, both via email and Zoom, over the course of 12 weeks.

The program cost starts at $3,985 USD and depends on whether you're working with me, or another coach on my team.

If you try my Texting OS, and decide you want to upgrade to my Masterclass or Jumpstart programs later, that's great!

Just email me, and I'll set you up with a discount for your Texting OS investment 🤠

10. what if my matches don't improve?

My Online Dating OS contains simple advice and strategies I've seen help over 3,000 clients from all different backgrounds get better matches, including:

  • Guys who are 5'4" on their tippy toes
  • Guys who swore they were "unphotogenic" or "ugly"
  • Guys looking for very specific partners (e.g. only willing to date Jewish women)
  • Guys who just emigrated from India to the United States
  • Guys with serious disabilities (e.g. confined to wheelchair)
  • Guys who never got matches before

I share this for two reasons:

1. If you ACTUALLY follow the advice, I can basically guarantee you will get results.

The strategies we cover are quite comprehensive, and include ways to test whether you've implemented them correctly.

2. If you don't get results, I can basically guarantee you didn't ACTUALLY follow the advice.

Specifically, your photos probably stink, and you should watch Module 3 again, and get your butt outside to capture true 5P photos!

The only real exception here is if you live in a super remote location...

📍 No women nearby for you to match with?

⛔ You probably won't get many matches.

Beyond encouraging you to move somewhere you'll have more options, I can't do much to help with that.

With that in mind, it's important to set fair expectations...

This course isn't magic.

If you're getting zero good matches today, don't expect to suddenly start attracting supermodels after watching 3 hours of video lessons.

(Many of the models you see on dating apps are scammers or bots anyway, but that's a whole separate topic 😌)

Different guys have different "ceilings," at least with respect to who their online profiles are going to attract.

My Online Dating OS course will guide you to YOUR best possible profile.

Depending on what you bring to the table and what types of women you want to date, you may need to improve aspects of your life OUTSIDE of your dating profiles to get the results you're looking for.

If this is you, check out my 1x1 Jumpstart Program to learn how I can help!

11. How long will it take to see results?

This depends on how long it takes you to follow the step-by-step instructions laid out in the course!

You can make certain changes immediately, and see results from those changes immediately.

For example, you can quickly rewrite your prompts and bios based on your learnings from the course, and that should yield more and better matches fast!

Others changes require more time, and results from those changes require time.

For example, getting great photos may be a multi-week process.

Realistically, I'd expect to invest one CONCERTED weekend of effort to see a big improvement in your matches.

With that in mind...

What are you waiting for?! 😉

12. What’s your refund policy?

I don't offer refunds for my Online Dating OS for two simple reasons.

1. It's proven to work!

The strategies we cover have been tested, refined, and perfected through coaching 3,000+ guys, plus a decade of my own experiences swiping on apps like Bumble before I met my husband.

If you stumble on a profile question that's not covered in the course, email me, and I'll update the course to address it.

My Online Dating OS is designed to be a comprehensive texting resource, and I'm always seeking to improve it ❤️

2. Past abuse of my refund policy.

I have some absurd refund abuse stories that maybe I'll have the opportunity to share on a podcast someday, but in short, a few bad apples spoiled the bunch!

13. What if i have another question?

Email me at!


What more clients are saying


I am getting a constant stream of high quality connections on Hinge and have already been on 5 dates in the last 2.5 weeks. I am following your system closely and it's working well. Plus, I met someone IRL at a pub. Thanks again. A+ course.



Never send the wrong message again

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)