Get a top 1% profile + better matches fast

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

I’ll share a few dating tips via email too. 100% privacy, no spam or b.s.


What guys are saying about Blaine

Side shot of Blaine in a tan blazer, smiling

It's not just you, online dating sucks

It's especially brutal for guys, but believe it or not, us girls hate online dating too!

(Endless swiping and missed connections aren't fun for anyone 🤬)


Landing girlfriend-quality matches on apps like Hinge is easy once you're presenting yourself the right way.

Let's be honest for a second though...

You probably suck at marketing yourself.

I don’t mean to be harsh!

After coaching 3,000+ men, there’s just a good chance it’s true 🙃

It’s actually good news.

❌ YOU aren't the problem.

✅ How you MARKET yourself is.

Being a great guy isn’t enough. You need a great profile. They're different things.

That’s where I come in!


What more clients are saying


It was purely based on your advice that my dating life has improved. My favorite part was the Thirsting and Thriving examples. It showed me exactly what and where I was going wrong.


Photo of Blaine in a tan jacket and leather pants, seated at a cafe, holding a cup of coffee, smiling.

I'm dead serious!

You don't need to be rich, tall, or "handsome" to match with girlfriend-quality women on apps like Hinge.

You have to do three things:

  1. Get the RIGHT photos. They're called "5P" photos, and they make a huge difference 📸
  2. Mention 4 KEY things in your written bio and prompts that women look for 🔑
  3. Polish the details that 95% of the guys on apps overlook at their own detriment 🧼

Nail these three things?

You will immediately go from zero to dozens of quality matches every week.


What more clients are saying


Shortly after I finished your course, I started dating my wonderful girlfriend Barrie, and we've now been together about a year. I'm thrilled to be one of your (many) success stories.


Photo of Blaine in a tan jacket and leather pants, standing amongst columns, smiling.

I'm Blaine, by the way!

As the #1 dating coach for men, I've been fortunate to:

  • Help 3,000+ clients like you learn to attract women they're genuinely excited about 🤝
  • Appear in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Psychology Today, and more 📖
  • Share free advice with millions of guys every month on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok 📲

As long as you can follow simple step-by-step directions, you can get better matches FAST.


What more clients are saying


I continue to appreciate your help to make it possible for me to meet people like her!


Photo of Blaine in a black shirt and leather pants, standing outside in front of a sculpture, smiling.

Let's shortcut you to more and better matches

My new, idiot-proof Online Dating Operating System contains every secret, trick, and hack I've learned throughout my career to help you:

  • 📸 Get the right photos that make girls swipe right, no matter how "unphotogenic" you are.
  • 📝 Write the perfect prompts and “about me” bio to authentically draw quality women in.
  • 💪 Nail the details and overcome the algorithms so you start landing girlfriend-quality matches.

Can I share the first module with you, for free?

It's literally proven to deliver results. Just tell me where to send it below!


What more clients are saying


I am getting a constant stream of high quality connections on Hinge and have already been on 5 dates in the last 2.5 weeks. I am following your system closely and it's working well. Plus, I met someone IRL at a pub. Thanks again. A+ course.


Get the matches you deserve, fast

Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of one of Blaine's clients
Headshot of Blaine's client

4.86/5 (from 3,000+ clients)

I’ll share a few dating tips via email too. 100% privacy, no spam or b.s.